Yasmeen A.

Forever Uncrossed

She's sitting on the bench,
Waiting to see the face
That she has come to forget.
She hears your feature on the radio.
"An aspiring talent," the newscasters say,
But she wants to hear the stories from you.
She sees your face plastered on the screen
As you strike a goal, your movements resembling an exquisite work of art.
The crowd cheering in the midst of the pouring rain
And your teammates, propelling their fists into the air.
But she wants to caress your rough hands; the pixels just aren't enough.
You are so far away.
She misses you.
And was waiting for you to miss her too.

But she's done waiting now.
Tired of the times that you guiltlessly asked,
For the color green that now overflows in your pockets
She lovingly nourished you without question.
But she will be deceived no more.

The aiport speakers blare your name,
She stands up and smiles.
Happy to know she still remembers your sparkle,
Forever embedded in your glistening eyes.
You enter the terminal,
Passing by her,
Walking away after years of silence,
And you don't even recognize
Your own sister.

But now she has matured.
She doesn't want to remember your features anymore
She doesn't want to love you.  She doesn't want to know you.
But she does.
That is something that will never change.
Unfortunately for her,
You couldn't care less.
She wants you to care.  She wants to be your family.
Do you ever think about wanting to be hers?
She is content
With just watching you from the sidelines.
From afar.  From a distance.
Oceans away.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.