Charles Jackan

A Summer’s Night

The deep night sky, a complete, true blue,
is never ever so knowing as you.
The trees sway,
a warm, gentle breeze blows.
Such a sweet scent fills the air,
the bantam bird knows.
And though,
I only mean to stay for a minute,
I stay for what feels like forever in the immortal evening.
I sit myself down under the swaying trees,
and feel the dirt, staining the palms of my hands--
reminding me--
that this chimerical scene is indeed real.
And I and my unworthy self,
seek to take refuge in this night,
stealing comfort in all its sights.
A bantam bird, swaying trees,
such a sweet scent
floating on a warm, gentle breeze--
You are so much like a summer’s night.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.