Emily K.

Love's Roller-Coaster

Waiting in line always takes so long
but I'll bite the bullet 'cause together we belong
and without you I just can't move along.

So now I"m on, and I can't look back
don't know how this will go, can't predict which track
he'll take this time, but stopping? an ability I lack.

Now slowly we climb, to the highest of highs
all my worries are gone, I let out one immense sigh
These days I'm a bird, and I can fly.

But things change so quick, you'd never expect
the drop that comes next, now everything's wrecked
just don't look down, 'cause empty space I detect.

Now I sit here confused, it all happened so fast
just get up and leave, but still I"m the last
to realize what has happened in this time passed.

So many feelings at once, can't figure what to do
was it worth all the happiness and pain I went through?
no time to think 'cause once again he's at my side,
please, will you give it just one more ride?


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.