Matthew Martel

Ode to Fire

Without you there would be no good.

With you, there is much evil.

You’ve given the world so much,

yet managed to take so much away.


You made the world a better place back then.

Father can now cook the beast he killed.

When it was dark and mother was frightened,

you gave us light, and hope was bestowed upon us.


I just wanted to be close to you.

You brought so many gifts,

then you smoldered my soft skin.

Now, I will think twice when I feed you.


At a time of rage and desperation, you gave into the chaos.

Armies are forging their weapons, using your flames.

You burnt down the village where father was born.

You guided these malevolent armies through the forest.


How could my great friend Fire

be truly such a villain to all.

I curse Prometheus for his contribution to the world.

Fire, you are the world’s worst, double-edged gift.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.