Nawal K.

The Old Lady at the Bus Stop

Everyday I used to see her at seven thirty in the morning
Everyday she had the same blue dress worn on her short plump body
Everyday she used to point her cane with her pale wrinkly hand
And ask people, "Do you like blue?"
Everyday her gray hair would be tied into a bun
Everyday she would yell at anyone who drove fast
She was a pesky old lady.
Everyday she would hit people with her cane if they bumped into her by accident
She was an aggressive old lady.
Everyday when the bus was late, she would kick the bus sign
She was as cranky as a hungry dog.
Everyday she snatched a drink out of someone' s hand
She was a greedy old lady.
And to top it all off,
Everyday she would miss her bus


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