Jessica Lo


Sunday mornings start out in the gym.
By noon it ends in the pool for swim,
The chlorine cleaning the sweat gone,
Then showering away every limb.

Home again to find something to eat,
From a workout there must be a treat.
The food has digested within me,
I must start work, and stay in a seat.

As time disappears, work slowly drops
Hand and hand life has paused to a stop.
Sundays have been wasted week by week,
And soon too much will build up and pop.

Dark has come, and Mondays on the way,
Dinner must be made by end of day.
Simple task seems hard when time is short,
But the meal appears done anyway

As the moon, and stars enter the scene
I crawl in bed, and dream the foreseen.
The day has finally come to end.
Sundays always end in the same routine.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.