Tyler Alexis Vendetti

Ice Castle

Who knew that water could create mountains
that stand tall and bright
to make their presence known?
She knew.
She knew the powers of these temporary statues,
so finely molded out of white.
Their pockets of ice were packed with joy
that needed to be released.
So she hiked to the top, gripping her plastic companion
to complete the job.
From its point, she could see the world
grinning at her with teeth that sparkled.
It seemed welcoming enough.
Her friend rested on the ground, inching towards the edge.
Built up excitement could not be contained any longer.
She mounted the plastic, placing her feet ahead
and descended.
The world rushed to greet her
and it grew as she neared.
Wisps of her hair peeking out from her hat
whipped in the wind, free as a breeze.
Wind caressed her face for a short moment.
Specks of powder jumped out of the way
creating a mist of white around her.
Her tiny, delicate lips attempted a scream
but a dry cry was all that emerged.
Droplets formed around her dried out eyes.
Her companion's energy was just about up
and everything
skidded to a
She smiled.
She smiled at the mountain's gift of joy.
She smiled at her jacket, which had kept her butterflies from escaping.
She smiled at the diamond flakes around her, and they smiled back.
She smiled at the thought
of hiking up that mountain and descending its icy slopes once more.
And she smiled at the future
when that pale ice castle would collapse under the weight of the sun
and become a frozen puddle
upon which she could skate.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.