Sarah Fishman

Mountain Climb

Body aching

Legs quaking

Stop for a snack

Ouch, my back

My feet on fire

Twigs like wire

Hiking boots make blisters

Wind feels like twisters

Boulders tumble

Voices grumble

Laughing with friends

Through twists and bends

My muscles scream

It’s all a dream

Water fills my shoe

Enjoy the view

Evergreens and pines

Wildlife in vines

The top in sight

A mental fight

Cautiously optimistic

Ignoring the trick

The signs are wrong

A hike far too long

Rain comes down like a flume

Thunder and lightening boom

Starting to choke

Is this a joke?

An endless broken path

I feel the wrath

Nose running

Bodies shunning

Puddles like rivers

Give me shivers

Reaching the cabin at last

All troubles in the past.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.