Matthew D.


I walk.
There is nothing else to do.
Looking at places I see daily, stale views like outdated films, wear my mind.
I get up and leave, no destination required.

Walking satisfies my desire to move away, escape, to somewhere only I know,
that mysterious, mystifying, place, darkly unique to oneself.
I dwell in the past, a willing prisoner of my individual history.
As I physically walk by venues where I spent periods of my life,
I mentally move my mind through the winding mazes that are my memories.

My thoughts wander to the bright lit, highlights of life,
Casting out the occurrences that are ordinary in nature.
In these few, precious minutes I spend thinking alone,
My mind finds memories that had been lost.
Silently laughing at how painfully far away these memories are from me.

Returning, permanently, to these places rich with the pleasures of life is calming.
The innocent endeavors move me through the rest, which poisons these bright moments.

I walk.
It takes me away from everything, healing me,
from the oppressive world I live in.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.