Lizz K.

Under the Roof

Under the wonderful blue sky
stands a brown roof.

Under the roof lies a restaurant
with a magnificent noisy kitchen.

In the kitchen holds a stove
and on the stove rests a pan.

Under the pan are bright blue
flames making aromatic bacon
cook and spit flavor into the kitchen
air like a volcano spits ash into the sky.

Under the flames inside the oven
sits a turkey seasoned and stuffed.

Under the turkey rests a pan filled
with turkey fat and chicken stock.

And in this kitchen is me making
sure everything runs smoothly.

All around me are beautiful pieces
of art ready to be served and eaten.

These smell so scrumptious you could
eat them as if you were starving even if you weren’t.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.