George Penniman

Midnight Fishing

The glass water glistens
Candles set alight by the luminous moon
Gently rocking in a dark sea

The row boat tips and turns
From the pulse of the small waves
Kept alive by a gentle wind

The tip of the pole bends
Pulled down and away
By a terrified captive

The trees now sway
In a faint rustle
Brought to life by nature’s breath

As the glassy surface shatters
Pieces fly up and about
And the reel ceases to turn

From one prison to another
The metal floor now echoes
With the sound of flapping fins

The prisoner is held over the depths of liberation
When his freedom becomes evident, he thrashes
A free bullet speeds away

Grass and reeds beam from the shore
Rocked awake by the hands of the waves
They beckon to me under the lit path of the moon


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.