Dennis Nesline

Train of Consequences

Sitting, relaxing, people calm

subway speeding, drinks in every palm

suddenly it stops, not at the right station

people talking, why the deceleration?


Doors open up, policemen hurry

passengers wonder, why the worry?

rumors are flying, panic sets in

a Bomb in the middle of London?


Fear creeps silent through the crowd

the conversations were far from loud

paranoia besets me but that’s not any stranger

if suspicions were true my life is in danger


To the exit, a migration starts

fortunately no one fell apart

unprepared for this I was awfully scared

but I thought worse than we actually fared


The Bombs were in some other subway cars

one of which left the same time and place as ours

in the end what saved us from the fire and dust

was a little something most people call just… Luck.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.