Jamie G.

The Window

Through the window I see,
A bird’s eye view of the street.
The asphalt grows hewn,
To the tires it carries ‘till noon.
To the right, tiny pink flowers,
Shine sparkling and sweet, giant as towers,
Over skimpy ants at their feet.

It is a great day for these critters,
They’re gay with pleasure and jitters.
Today is the race,
That will determine the new face,
Of the Kingdom of Warriors and Devils.

As the courageous few enter,
The flamboyant flagger migrates to the center.
She says to prepare,
And waves the weensy gun in the air,
And the little ones burst through the maze.
They round sharp corners,
Over and under borders,
Ending the race, blasting their shackles and fetters.

The ants celebrate,
And remember this special date,
As the day their King Leo was found.
He takes the crown,
And twirls it around and praises the lord for his win.

Through the window I see,
A bird’s eye view of the street.
The asphalt grows hewn,
To the tires it carries ‘till noon.
To the left, tiny sharp green powers,
Prong into the air, giant as towers,
Over skimpy worms at their feet.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.