Emily Roizin Hibernation
The winter months depress me more than I’m inclined to bear
So next time that they come around I'll make an oath and swear
To do what many animals are smart enough to do
And curl up in my nice warm bed and sleep the winter through
When the snow begins to fall and the ground and trees are bare
I'll be waiting in a better place until the weather's fair
While people fill their empty souls with pies and cakes galore
I'll be living off the fat from food I gathered long before
While my body gets its nutrients from all its extra meat
I'll be waiting 'til my soul is filled and finally complete
I made a nest of warmth, now I'm waiting to transform
I’ll go through many changes while I wait out winter's storm
Since I can't wait for spring to come and to start anew
The winter might drag on a lot if sleep is all I do
My mind will tire of dreaming and my body will turn weak I might get up early if you come wake me from my sleep
You don't try to change me and instead just let me be
And your contagious smile always seems to spread to me
When you're around I love life and enjoy the things I do
I might not sleep through winter if I can spend it all with you