Adrian Tanner

The Commons

        The smell of greasy, gross food fills the entire building.

    Kids scramble for long established seats in the commons.

A freshman spills his lunch and sits sprawled on the floor

    next to his mutilated meatloaf and overcooked pizza.

        Kids sit outside because there is no room anywhere else.

    They sit on benches, under trees, on walls, anywhere.

Two tall and sweaty football jocks fight over a chair

    in front of their girlfriends who giggle as the boys argue.

        Student council members are selling tickets to the dance,

    which may be cancelled because of low ticket sales.

Students eat and socialize with their friends,

    enjoying every moment of this luscious lifestyle.

        It is the only real break of the day.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.