Andrea C.

Memory Poem

I’m starting to get the feeling,
of my stomach dropping down.
I look out the window listening,
for that very distinct sound.

I see them before I hear them,
I guess the sirens aren’t going today.
But the blue and red flashing lights,
never fail to give them away.

I hear the screaming start already,
Don’t forget the slamming doors.
I sit there quietly thinking,
This is it, there can’t be more.

Of course I say this every time,
that’s right this isn’t the first.
It’s always when she starts the climb,
of getting better, then suddenly it all just bursts.

They come stomping up the stairs
looking for my sister and me
After hearing all they want from us,
They escort us out, we’re free.

I remember the look she gave me,
As we walked by her out the door.
I kept it together, staring straight,
my eyes never hitting the floor.

The car is waiting in the driveway,
waiting for us to leave this place.
This is a day I want to forget
Her against the medicine, she lost her own race.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.