Elizabeth S.

Dear Grandma,

Do you remember me?

Remember me in your heart

I know you do somewhere in there

Do you remember me?


A spark of golden magnificence

A little cup sits beside my dresser

So nicely styled and set

“A cheers to you”

As you would chuckle


Like a sugar sweet song

Your voice flows beautifully along

So tender and pleasant

Our memories will last forever


Do you remember me?

I see you when I smile

My dimples are from you

Still a contagious laughter

Like a harmonious bird

Sings a precious melody


Do you remember me?

Remember me please

Please remember


I remember,

All you have to do is remember too

Remember me, please

Do you?


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.