Vanessa Zarba

A Rapidly Fading Memory

I woke up every morning with a crisp innocence fluttering about me.
I would run all over my house and my backyard wanting to take the world in
I would call my friends to have fun, run and play.
We would venture off into our own worlds which we created with our minds.
Dragons spitting flames and grotesque monstrous giants couldn’t stop us,
Because we knew our prince charming would come to our rescue.
Oh, how I wish I could go back to those days of care free bliss.
I would make sure every moment would be used to its fullest potential,
Back to when fun was innocent fun.
When homework, school and more work didn’t plague our days,
When people didn’t fear to venture out the door without a cell phone or Ipod in hand,
To when enjoyment was made with friends and pure imagination,
To when the Lion King was the supreme creation.
Childhood is what I miss and what I greedily want back,
And everyday I am not reminded of it…
The memories of that time just seem to fade.


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