Yaakov Lyubetsky

Strapping In

“Clink, Clink, Clink”
He checks his bindings a second time
“Clink, Clink, Clink”
And now a third.

He watches his breath rise upwards in a cloud of smoke.
Inhaling the icy air he looks down the slope
It looks hazy through his foggy goggles.
The trees, a hue of blue and orange
The snow, a dull white.
Trees to either side waving at him
With their snow covered tops.
As the sound of riders from far away
Rings through the trees.
The forgiving snow quietly lies
As it waits to engulf him when he comes down.
Feeling the cold run up his fingers
He rubs his gloves together to create some warmth.
The wind blows a cold flurry of flakes across his face
So he pulls his jacket up.

He clears his mind
“Clink, Clink”
And drops in.


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