Jill S.

My Heaven

The lovely private beach,
The pale cardinal canopy
Washed-out moss green docks with the boats attached.
The freshly painted apple green cottage
with the water skis leaning against it.
The brick patio my grandpa laid,
and the new outdoor shower he built.
The odd shaped gargantuan ponds
with bays and inlets,
lined vibrantly with homes.
Shimmering cerulean water reflecting the sunny sky.
The emerald green pines
leading up to the stone castle in the trees.

Sleeping late in the morning,
reading and lying on rafts in the pond,
going out in the miniature boat with my sister and the old radio,
just the pond, our voices, and us.
Eating dinner late, wet in my bathing suit,
Trying to stay out in the fresh air as long as possible.
Driving in the boat as a family,
sprawled out like octopi marking their territory.
Everyone falling asleep, as the boat sits in its rocking chair.
Saying hello to old friends, as they pass by.
This is my heaven.


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