Alex Stuart

With Success

Attempt to fly
And fall to the ground,
The wounds burn as if they were doused with lye
And those in cars laugh as they speed by.
I take solace by letting out a long sigh.
I know one day as I soar through the sky
Their old, battered cars will sputter and die.
So when failure occurs, do not sit and cry,
Because that’s what they want, so make sure you defy.

Instead of schemes, plots, anger and shame
Simply try again.
Instead of stooping to your foes’ level of game
Separate the boys from the Men.
Why give up and let those in cars pollute?
Especially since it’s your sky they taint.
Rise and fly through their gasses and soot
And emerge as pure as a saint.
It’s your air which they besmirch, so go on, take it back!
Teach them the evils of their wheels.
Do this by way of the wings which they lack
Now who has the dominant alleles?

Now, once this happens, make sure you keep your pride.
Although your foes showed the opposite manner,
Your composure will conveniently coincide
With the feeling of glory, of the doubts scorned
The childish “I-told-you-so” inevitability.
Still, enemies defeated deserve to be mourned,
To you they had such little comparability.

While you attempted to rise above inheritance,
They simply took what was there.
While you took risks and embraced chance,
they watched from cars, saying
“I wouldn’t dare”.

“Nothing is impossible!”
your enemies gloat when triumphant
So yell back,
“Impossible is nothing!”
Keep your energy and composure conserved,
While they struggle, huffing and puffing.
And although you may desire to follow suit and vaunt
That negates the philosophy to which I strongly profess.
Instead of “defeating” enemies with revenge and a taunt,
Defeat enemies with success.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.