Fiona Davies

A Smile

The fire made their faces glow, their eyes glisten
There was a cool breeze that night,
But the flames numbed them
Numbed the pain living deep inside

Wicker thrones formed a circle
Summer nights they spent in their kingdom
Two hundred paces from the suburban house,
Light-years from reality

Smoky air tickled their nostrils,
Inhaling the summer with each breath

Each girl was unique, yet they all shared something special
An everlasting bond that kept them together
(They like to believe it’s forever)

Laughter was a blanket of warmth
And the stars watched over the girls, protected them
Time stood still.

They embraced one another
Mind, body, and soul
Leaning on each others’ shoulders with sleepy eyes

As she admired her friends, soaking in the euphoria,
A smile illuminated her face

At that moment she knew,
There was no place on earth she’d rather be.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.