Victoria T.

A Metropolitan High School

The Quad is the heart of Lexington High School.
A person can start there, and get anywhere on the campus.
Just like the Metro subway is the heart of Taipei,
A person can start there, and get anywhere in the sprawling city.

No matter what, there are always students in the Quad,
Weaving between each other to their next class.
Someone can see all of their friends just by going from English to Math.
No matter what, there are always urban folk on the Metro,
Hurrying to their corporate jobs or going to visit a market.
Someone can see every major landmark of Taipei just by riding from Xindian to Danshui.

At 7:40 sharp, the Quad becomes flooded with people,
Many are busy talking on cell phones or walking to A block.
At 5:30 sharp, the first train of the day is filled with early risers,
Many of whom are carrying briefcases or little shopping carts.

During lunchtime, there are lots of students eating on the benches surrounding the Quad.
Some have foam trays, others brown-bag lunches.
During lunchtime, there are masses of business people dining at the Taipei Main Station.
Some have noodle soup, others a steaming bowl of rice.

The Quad is where every student meets their friends,
To walk home together, or to work on a project together.
Meet me in the Quad is a phrase commonly used.
The Metro is how countless people connect with each other,
To discuss politics together, or to have coffee together.
Meet me at the Taipei Main Station is a phrase often uttered.

From every building on the LHS campus,
People end up in the Quad.
From every suburb in Taipei,
People end up on the Metro.

The Quad is the heart of Lexington High School.
Just like the Metro is the heart of Taipei.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.